Tag: Volleyball


VI NLPW Volleyball Ireland National League Premier Women 2022-23


VI Volleyball Ireland National League Premier Women 2022-23



VI Volleyball Ireland National League Premier Women 2022-23

(Week 1)
11:28 am
Colaiste de hIde, Tymon, Tallaght

Gardians PW - Net Force PW

(Week 1)
11:30 am
Our Lady of Mercy College, Beaumont

Santry Premier - DVC Lions

(Week 1)
11:31 am
Trinity College Sports Centre


(Week 1)
11:32 am

Santry Calypso - Naas Cobras

(Week 2)
11:33 am
Colaiste de hIde, Tymon, Tallaght

Gardians PW - TCD PW

(Week 2)
11:34 am
Colaiste Bride, Clondalkin

DVC Lions - Santry Calypso

(Week 2)
11:35 am
St. Mary's College, Naas, Co. Kildare

Naas Cobras - UCD PW

(Week 2)
11:36 am
Riverstick Community Centre, Cork

Net Force PW - Santry Premier

(Week 3)
11:44 am
Colaiste de hIde, Tymon, Tallaght

Gardians PW - Naas Cobras

(Week 3)
11:45 am
Trinity College Sports Centre

TCD PW - Santry Premier

(Week 3)
11:46 am
Riverstick Community Centre, Cork

Net Force PW - DVC Lions

(Week 3)
11:47 am
Our Lady of Mercy College, Beaumont

Santry Calypso - UCD PW

(Week 4)
11:48 am
UCD Sports Centre

UCD PW - Gardians PW

(Week 4)
11:49 am
St. Mary's College, Naas, Co. Kildare

Naas Cobras - Santry Premier

(Week 4)
11:50 am
Colaiste Bride, Clondalkin

DVC Lions - TCD PW

(Week 4)
11:51 am
Riverstick Community Centre, Cork

Net Force PW - Santry Calypso

(Week 5)
11:56 am
Our Lady of Mercy College, Beaumont

Santry Calypso - Gardians PW

(Week 5)
11:57 am
Our Lady of Mercy College, Beaumont

Santry Premier - UCD PW

(Week 5)
11:58 am
Colaiste Bride, Clondalkin

DVC Lions - Naas Cobras

(Week 5)
11:59 am
Trinity College Sports Centre

TCD PW - Net Force PW

(Week 6)
1:00 pm
St. Mary's College, Naas, Co. Kildare

Naas Cobras - Net Force PW

(Week 6)
10:30 am
Trinity College Sports Centre

TCD PW - Santry Calypso

(Week 6)
1:00 pm
Colaiste Bride, Clondalkin

DVC Lions - UCD PW

(Week 7)
10:30 am
Colaiste de hIde, Tymon, Tallaght

Gardians PW - DVC Lions

(Week 7)
11:00 am
Trinity College Sports Centre

TCD PW - Naas Cobras

(Week 7)
1:30 pm
Riverstick Community Centre, Cork

Net Force PW - UCD PW

(Week 7)
7:30 pm
Artane Beaumont Family Recreation Centre

Santry Calypso - Santry Premier

Weekly Recaps

Weeks 1-5 (October-November 2022)

After five weeks of the 2022-23 Volleyball Ireland National League Premier Women, Tymon-based Gardians PW held a slim two point lead over Santry Calypso, DVC Lions who are based in Clondalkin, and UCD. A point further back on nine points were Net Force from Bandon in Cork and Santry Premier with Naas Cobras from Co. Kildare and TCD still searching for their first points of the season. [Reference: 1]

Week 6 (27 November-11 December 2022)

After three close sets Net Force PW returned triumphant from their trip to Kildare to join leaders Gardians PW on 12 points at the top of the table. Bottom of the table TCD PW’s meet with top of the table Santry Calypso resulted in a predictable straight sets win for Santry, while UCD PW joined Calypso on 13 points at the top after coming from a set down to win 3-1 over DVC Lions who remained on 10 points. the fourth and final set in the match went to extra points as UCD ground out the win. [References: 1-2]

Week 7 (14-18 January 2023)

After going two sets up Gardians PW had to dig deep to win this match in overtime versus DVC Lions in Colaiste de hÍde in Tymon, Tallaght. The win put Gardians in joint first on 14 points with Net Force PW and UCD PW, after a thrilling game between the Cork side and the students on the South Coast where the hometown Net Force came back from two sets down to win the third set by 26-24 and then take the third 25-11 before closing out the match in overtime 15-7. At the foot of the table, TCD PW and Naas Cobras PW battled it out at Trinity Sports Centre for the first points of the season for either team, with the Red & Black of Trinity prevailing by three sets to nil over the Kildare team. Midweek following, Santry Calypso went back on top with a straight sets victory over fellow Santry team, Santry Premier. [References: S-1, plus please visit each individual game in the Schedule/Scoreboard for further references]

About the Volleyball Ireland National League Premier Women 2022-23

The 2022-23 Volleyball Ireland National League Premier women features eight teams, with Galway VC being relegated and replaced by Net Force from Bandon in Cork. Apart from Naas Cobras, based in Co. Kildare, all other teams are based in Dublin: Gardians PW in Tymon and DVC Lions in Clondalkin, both the Borough of South Dublin; UCD PW in the Borough of Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown; TCD PW in Dublin City Borough; and Santry Calypso & Santry Premier based in the County Borough of Fingal.

Volleyball Stock Image


Scoreboard References

[S-1] Volleyball Ireland (2022) Competitions -> National League -> Premier Women [Internet] Available from: https://www.volleyballireland.com/premier-women/ [Accessed 21 January 2023]

Logo References

[VL-1] Dublin Volleyball Club (dvc) (2015) Profile Picture, July 4, 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10211847194068729&set=g.129221223767769  [Accessed 14 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/19642260_10211847194068729_5063076614881639261_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=3_ljEWe72ZYAX_3xJ07&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=fd0ea2eea5b9f0c33b933cab0949f46f&oe=61B69B7C ][Accessed 14 November 2021]

[VL-2] Gardians Volleyball Club Dublin Facebook (2020) Profile Picture, March 27, 2020 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/gardiansvcdublin/photos/a.107498857566001/107532957562591/  [Accessed 14 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/90761449_107532960895924_8279057772419481600_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=nqj5es8JtD4AX_aLXTf&tn=7uF7rGUPgPXI7zGG&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=5887a3b1992187f6b23b502653fcd410&oe=61B6F3F1 ][Accessed 14 November 2021]

[VL-3] Naas Cobras Volleyball Club (2016) Profile Picture, October 20, 2018 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/naascobrasvc/photos/a.149898515038726/2232066153488608/ [Accessed 14 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/44397311_2232066156821941_6409183763707723776_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=GV8iErmIvQkAX-ArC8N&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=b6475da6d56aad1f411e3e50dd52f7f0&oe=61B657D3 ][Accessed 14 November 2021]

[VL-4] Santry Dublin Volleyball Club (2016) Profile Picture, September 29, 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/SantryVolleyballClub/photos/a.295591043875611/855857134515663/ [Accessed 14 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/14470442_855857134515663_1745795197515628217_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=6kdXZVNftswAX8t8pGx&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=13b36d9dffae8fe102891484cf8548e5&oe=61B5A958 ][Accessed 14 November 2021]

[VL-5] Trinity College Dublin Facebook (2016) Profile Picture, September 22, 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/tcdvolleyball/photos/a.155110681181906/1541071775919116/ [Accessed 14 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/14441216_1541071775919116_6563699769970565569_n.png?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=LDC1VPkcYToAX_gasrD&tn=7uF7rGUPgPXI7zGG&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=ee76217dc8030c6dd14ae9f430ac5f8c&oe=61B75F89  ][Accessed 14 November 2021]

[VL-6] UCD Volleyball Club (2010) Profile Picture, March 25, 2013 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=485139951551296&set=a.185498766711087  [Accessed 14 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/2523_485139951551296_874569281_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=VqJ3uljfMwMAX-p9FsV&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=fb538fdd15e743df73658d4d30317c6c&oe=61B5EF55 ][Accessed 14 November 2021]

[VL-7] Net Force Volleyball Club Cork Facebook (2016) Profile Picture, September 20, 2017 [Internet] Available from:  https://www.facebook.com/625101244344132/photos/a.625101991010724/826729610847960/ [Accessed 14 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/21752453_826729610847960_2932617565962858306_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=mhBijlCbpR0AX-OuaZg&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=ac7c52aab0834bf1fcec03e75ab67cc2&oe=61B87634 ][Accessed 14 November 2021]


Thanks to Sondra Maher.


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 21 January 2023

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2023.

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Resereved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only. Eirball is not Officially connected or endorsed by Australian Football League Ireland.

Clashmore Ladies Volleyball Team (Waterford County) Roster and Results 1969-70

Clashmore Ladies Matches 1969-70

Clashmore Ladies Volleyball Team (Waterford) Results 1969-70


Clashmore Ladies Team Roster 1969-70

1Melissa ChevironGor-Che
2Giedre GuobyteGuo-Guo
3Zydre GuobyteGuo-Guo
4Adrian HannaIreland
5E. ByrneKinsalebeg
6G. KeoghKinsalebeg
7G. PowerKinsalebeg
8A. NorthKinsalebeg
9M. NorthKinsalebeg
10Cian SmithNorth Dublin
11S. FlynnKinsalebeg
12M. FoleyKinsalebeg
13E. AllenKinsalebeg
14Luka VuksicNorth Dublin
15M. BarronKinsalebeg
16T. PowerTouraneena
17T. O’MearaTouraneena
18M. QuinlanTouraneena
19B. KeaneTouraneena
20Fergal KirbyIreland
21Rev. Fr. B. CrowleyTouraneena
22J. FraherTouraneena
23N. ButlerTouraneena
24J. DaltonTouraneena
25M. GleesonTouraneena
26K. O’RourkeClashmore
27C. O’RourkeClashmore
28T. GuiryClashmore
29B. RocheClashmore
30J. O’KeeffeClashmore
31Miriam GormallyGor-Che
32M. SheehanClashmore
33Eoin DoyleIreland
34Barry MurphyIreland
35Ciaran WalsheIreland
36Christopher DevlinIreland
37Matthew HynesIreland
38Adam CaulfieldIreland
39Stiofan McMahonIreland
40Maximus ConnollyIreland
41Eoin BridgemanIreland
42Mark FitzgeraldIreland
43Aidan MullaneyIreland
44Cillian ColvinIreland
45Shane Gaffney O’BrienIreland


Clashmore had the disappointment of losing to Kinsalebeg in the Final of the Waterford County Volleyball Championships in 1970 in what was otherwise a successful season. The Team consisted of K. O’Rourke, C. O’Rourke, T. Guiry, B. Roche, J. O’Keeffe and M. Sheehan. The County Championships were the Rural Championships in Co. Waterford and the Waterford Volleyball Street Leagues were the Urban Championships (but standard Volleyball rather than Street Volleyball). 

Home Venue


[1] Anon. (1970) “Tallow: Volleyball” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 3, 1970. pg. 6 [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[2] Anon. (1970) “Picture: Volleyball Champions” Irish Press. Saturday, May 2, 1970. pg. 17. [Past Copies of the Irish Press are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[3] Anon. (1970) “Picture Caption: Top & Middle” Munster Express. Friday, May 1, 1970. pg. 18. [Past Copies of the Munster Express are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[4] Anon. (1970) “Picture Caption: Top, Middle & Bottom” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 24, 1970. Pg. 20. [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 6 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

Touraneena Men’s Waterford Volleyball Team Roster and Results 1969-70

Touraneena Men’s Volleyball Matches 1969-70

Touraneena Men's Volleyball Team Matches 1969-70


Touraneena Men’s Team Roster 1969-70

1Melissa ChevironGor-Che
2Giedre GuobyteGuo-Guo
3Zydre GuobyteGuo-Guo
4Adrian HannaIreland
5E. ByrneKinsalebeg
6G. KeoghKinsalebeg
7G. PowerKinsalebeg
8A. NorthKinsalebeg
9M. NorthKinsalebeg
10Cian SmithNorth Dublin
11S. FlynnKinsalebeg
12M. FoleyKinsalebeg
13E. AllenKinsalebeg
14Luka VuksicNorth Dublin
15M. BarronKinsalebeg
16T. PowerTouraneena
17T. O’MearaTouraneena
18M. QuinlanTouraneena
19B. KeaneTouraneena
20Fergal KirbyIreland
21Rev. Fr. B. CrowleyTouraneena
22J. FraherTouraneena
23N. ButlerTouraneena
24J. DaltonTouraneena
25M. GleesonTouraneena
26K. O’RourkeClashmore
27C. O’RourkeClashmore
28T. GuiryClashmore
29B. RocheClashmore
30J. O’KeeffeClashmore
31Miriam GormallyGor-Che
32M. SheehanClashmore
33Eoin DoyleIreland
34Barry MurphyIreland
35Ciaran WalsheIreland
36Christopher DevlinIreland
37Matthew HynesIreland
38Adam CaulfieldIreland
39Stiofan McMahonIreland
40Maximus ConnollyIreland
41Eoin BridgemanIreland
42Mark FitzgeraldIreland
43Aidan MullaneyIreland
44Cillian ColvinIreland
45Shane Gaffney O’BrienIreland


Touraneena Men’s Volleyball team had a very successful 1969-70 season in the Waterford County Volleyball Championships, winning the Final versus Kinsalebeg. The team consisted of nine players (T. Power, T. O’Meara, M. Quinlan, Rev. Fr. B Crowley, T. Butler, J. Dalton, M. Gleeson, B. Keane, J. Fraher). The County Championships were the Rural Championships with the Waterford Volleyball Street League catering for Urban Areas. 

Home Venue


[1] Anon. (1970) “Tallow: Volleyball” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 3, 1970. pg. 6 [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[2] Anon. (1970) “Picture: Volleyball Champions” Irish Press. Saturday, May 2, 1970. pg. 17. [Past Copies of the Irish Press are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[3] Anon. (1970) “Picture Caption: Top & Middle” Munster Express. Friday, May 1, 1970. pg. 18. [Past Copies of the Munster Express are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[4] Anon. (1970) “Picture Caption: Top, Middle & Bottom” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 24, 1970. Pg. 20. [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 6 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

Kinsalebeg Ladies Waterford Volleyball Team Roster and Results 1969-70

Kinsalebeg Ladies Matches 1969-70

Kinsalebeg Ladies Waterford Volleyball Team 1969-70


Kinsalebeg Ladies Team Roster 1969-70

1Melissa ChevironGor-Che
2Giedre GuobyteGuo-Guo
3Zydre GuobyteGuo-Guo
4Adrian HannaIreland
5E. ByrneKinsalebeg
6G. KeoghKinsalebeg
7G. PowerKinsalebeg
8A. NorthKinsalebeg
9M. NorthKinsalebeg
10Cian SmithNorth Dublin
11S. FlynnKinsalebeg
12M. FoleyKinsalebeg
13E. AllenKinsalebeg
14Luka VuksicNorth Dublin
15M. BarronKinsalebeg
16T. PowerTouraneena
17T. O’MearaTouraneena
18M. QuinlanTouraneena
19B. KeaneTouraneena
20Fergal KirbyIreland
21Rev. Fr. B. CrowleyTouraneena
22J. FraherTouraneena
23N. ButlerTouraneena
24J. DaltonTouraneena
25M. GleesonTouraneena
26K. O’RourkeClashmore
27C. O’RourkeClashmore
28T. GuiryClashmore
29B. RocheClashmore
30J. O’KeeffeClashmore
31Miriam GormallyGor-Che
32M. SheehanClashmore
33Eoin DoyleIreland
34Barry MurphyIreland
35Ciaran WalsheIreland
36Christopher DevlinIreland
37Matthew HynesIreland
38Adam CaulfieldIreland
39Stiofan McMahonIreland
40Maximus ConnollyIreland
41Eoin BridgemanIreland
42Mark FitzgeraldIreland
43Aidan MullaneyIreland
44Cillian ColvinIreland
45Shane Gaffney O’BrienIreland

Season Recap

Kinsalebeg Ladies Volleyball Team, from Co. Waterford, Ireland, had a successful 1969-70 season, defeating Clashmore in the Final of the Waterford County Volleyball Championships.  The team consisted of E. Byrne, G. Keogh, G. Power, A. North, M. North, S. Flynn, M. Foley. E. Allen, M. Barron. The County Championships were the Rural Championships in Co. Waterford and the Waterford Volleyball Street Leagues were the Urban Championships (but standard Volleyball rather than Street Volleyball). 

Home Venue


[1] Anon. (1970) “Tallow: Volleyball” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 3, 1970. pg. 6 [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[2] Anon. (1970) “Picture: Volleyball Champions” Irish Press. Saturday, May 2, 1970. pg. 17. [Past Copies of the Irish Press are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[3] Anon. (1970) “Picture Caption: Top & Middle” Munster Express. Friday, May 1, 1970. pg. 18. [Past Copies of the Munster Express are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[4] Anon. (1970) “Picture Caption: Top, Middle & Bottom” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 24, 1970. Pg. 20. [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 6 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

Waterford County Volleyball Championships Ladies 1969-70


Waterford County Volleyball Championships Ladies 1970

DateEventTime/ResultsVenueArticleMatch Day
Kinsalebeg - Clashmore
Dungarvan Town Hall, Co. Waterford

Kinsalebeg (Champions) Team Roster

1Melissa ChevironGor-Che
2Giedre GuobyteGuo-Guo
3Zydre GuobyteGuo-Guo
4Adrian HannaIreland
5E. ByrneKinsalebeg
6G. KeoghKinsalebeg
7G. PowerKinsalebeg
8A. NorthKinsalebeg
9M. NorthKinsalebeg
10Cian SmithNorth Dublin
11S. FlynnKinsalebeg
12M. FoleyKinsalebeg
13E. AllenKinsalebeg
14Luka VuksicNorth Dublin
15M. BarronKinsalebeg
16T. PowerTouraneena
17T. O’MearaTouraneena
18M. QuinlanTouraneena
19B. KeaneTouraneena
20Fergal KirbyIreland
21Rev. Fr. B. CrowleyTouraneena
22J. FraherTouraneena
23N. ButlerTouraneena
24J. DaltonTouraneena
25M. GleesonTouraneena
26K. O’RourkeClashmore
27C. O’RourkeClashmore
28T. GuiryClashmore
29B. RocheClashmore
30J. O’KeeffeClashmore
31Miriam GormallyGor-Che
32M. SheehanClashmore
33Eoin DoyleIreland
34Barry MurphyIreland
35Ciaran WalsheIreland
36Christopher DevlinIreland
37Matthew HynesIreland
38Adam CaulfieldIreland
39Stiofan McMahonIreland
40Maximus ConnollyIreland
41Eoin BridgemanIreland
42Mark FitzgeraldIreland
43Aidan MullaneyIreland
44Cillian ColvinIreland
45Shane Gaffney O’BrienIreland

Clashmore (Runners-Up) Team Roster

1Melissa ChevironGor-Che
2Giedre GuobyteGuo-Guo
3Zydre GuobyteGuo-Guo
4Adrian HannaIreland
5E. ByrneKinsalebeg
6G. KeoghKinsalebeg
7G. PowerKinsalebeg
8A. NorthKinsalebeg
9M. NorthKinsalebeg
10Cian SmithNorth Dublin
11S. FlynnKinsalebeg
12M. FoleyKinsalebeg
13E. AllenKinsalebeg
14Luka VuksicNorth Dublin
15M. BarronKinsalebeg
16T. PowerTouraneena
17T. O’MearaTouraneena
18M. QuinlanTouraneena
19B. KeaneTouraneena
20Fergal KirbyIreland
21Rev. Fr. B. CrowleyTouraneena
22J. FraherTouraneena
23N. ButlerTouraneena
24J. DaltonTouraneena
25M. GleesonTouraneena
26K. O’RourkeClashmore
27C. O’RourkeClashmore
28T. GuiryClashmore
29B. RocheClashmore
30J. O’KeeffeClashmore
31Miriam GormallyGor-Che
32M. SheehanClashmore
33Eoin DoyleIreland
34Barry MurphyIreland
35Ciaran WalsheIreland
36Christopher DevlinIreland
37Matthew HynesIreland
38Adam CaulfieldIreland
39Stiofan McMahonIreland
40Maximus ConnollyIreland
41Eoin BridgemanIreland
42Mark FitzgeraldIreland
43Aidan MullaneyIreland
44Cillian ColvinIreland
45Shane Gaffney O’BrienIreland


Kinsalebeg defeated Clashmore in the Final of the Waterford County Volleyball Championship Ladies in 1970. The team consisted of E. Byrne, G. Keogh, G. Power, A. North, M. North, S. Flynn, M. Foley. E. Allen, M. Barron. The County Championships were the Rural Championships in Co. Waterford and the Waterford Volleyball Street Leagues were the Urban Championships (but standard Volleyball rather than Street Volleyball). Other teams entering the Ladies County Championship were Tallow Camogie A who entered a Volleyball team into the competition. Please click on the team names in the schedule for more details on the teams including a Team Roster for both Finalists and a map locating where in Co. Waterford they were based.


[1] Anon. (1970) “Tallow: Volleyball” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 3, 1970. pg. 6 [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[2] Anon. (1970) “Picture: Volleyball Champions” Irish Press. Saturday, May 2, 1970. pg. 17. [Past Copies of the Irish Press are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[3] Anon. (1970) “Picture Caption: Top & Middle” Munster Express. Friday, May 1, 1970. pg. 18. [Past Copies of the Munster Express are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[4] Anon. (1970) “Picture Caption: Top, Middle & Bottom” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 24, 1970. Pg. 20. [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 6 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

Waterford County Volleyball Championships Men 1969-70


Waterford County Volleyball Championships Men 1970

DateEventTime/ResultsVenueArticleMatch Day
Touraneena - Kinsalebeg
Dungarvan Town Hall, Co. Waterford

Touraneena (Champions) Team Roster 1969-70

1Melissa ChevironGor-Che
2Giedre GuobyteGuo-Guo
3Zydre GuobyteGuo-Guo
4Adrian HannaIreland
5E. ByrneKinsalebeg
6G. KeoghKinsalebeg
7G. PowerKinsalebeg
8A. NorthKinsalebeg
9M. NorthKinsalebeg
10Cian SmithNorth Dublin
11S. FlynnKinsalebeg
12M. FoleyKinsalebeg
13E. AllenKinsalebeg
14Luka VuksicNorth Dublin
15M. BarronKinsalebeg
16T. PowerTouraneena
17T. O’MearaTouraneena
18M. QuinlanTouraneena
19B. KeaneTouraneena
20Fergal KirbyIreland
21Rev. Fr. B. CrowleyTouraneena
22J. FraherTouraneena
23N. ButlerTouraneena
24J. DaltonTouraneena
25M. GleesonTouraneena
26K. O’RourkeClashmore
27C. O’RourkeClashmore
28T. GuiryClashmore
29B. RocheClashmore
30J. O’KeeffeClashmore
31Miriam GormallyGor-Che
32M. SheehanClashmore
33Eoin DoyleIreland
34Barry MurphyIreland
35Ciaran WalsheIreland
36Christopher DevlinIreland
37Matthew HynesIreland
38Adam CaulfieldIreland
39Stiofan McMahonIreland
40Maximus ConnollyIreland
41Eoin BridgemanIreland
42Mark FitzgeraldIreland
43Aidan MullaneyIreland
44Cillian ColvinIreland
45Shane Gaffney O’BrienIreland


Touraneena defeated Kinsalebeg in the Final of the Waterford County Volleyball Championships in 1970. The team consisted of nine players (T. Power, T. O’Meara, M. Quinlan, Rev. Fr. B Crowley, T. Butler, J. Dalton, M. Gleeson, B. Keane, J. Fraher). The County Championships were the Rural Championships with the Waterford Volleyball Street League catering for Urban Areas. Other teams entering included Tallow Tennis Club who entered a Volleyball team in the County Championships. Please click on the team names to see maps of where the team is based and a Team Roster (Touraneena only).


[1] Anon. (1970) “Tallow: Volleyball” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 3, 1970. pg. 6 [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[2] Anon. (1970) “Picture: Volleyball Champions” Irish Press. Saturday, May 2, 1970. pg. 17. [Past Copies of the Irish Press are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[3] Anon. (1970) “Picture Caption: Top & Middle” Munster Express. Friday, May 1, 1970. pg. 18. [Past Copies of the Munster Express are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].

[4] Anon. (1970) “Picture Caption: Top, Middle & Bottom” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 24, 1970. Pg. 20. [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 6 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

Waterford Volleyball Street League Ladies 1969-70


Waterford Volleyball Street League Ladies 1970


Barrack Street (Waterford City) defeated West Street (Tallow) in the Final of the Waterford Volleyball Street League Ladies in 1969-70. The League was an Urban League as opposed to a Rural League.


[1] Anon. (1970) “Tallow: Volleyball” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 3, 1970. pg. 6 [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 6 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

Waterford Volleyball Street League Men 1969-70


Waterford Volleyball Street League Men 1970

DateEventTime/ResultsVenueArticleMatch Day
New St. - Barrack St.
New Street, Waterford City


New Street defeated a much improved Barrack Street in the Final of the Waterford Volleyball Street League Men (An Urban League as opposed to a Rural League) in the 1969-70 season. Barrack Street had been the only team to have beaten New Street all year. Both teams were based in Waterford City.


[1] Anon. (1970) “Tallow: Volleyball” Waterford News and Star. Friday, April 3, 1970. pg. 6 [Past Copies of the Waterford News and Star are available to view online at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service].


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 6 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

Donegal Volleyball League Ladies 1992


Donegal Volleyball League Ladies 1992

1Milford B6431632.000
1Twin Towns6431641.500
3Tristar Castlederg4321522.500
5Milford A0303260.333



The Donegal Volleyball League played its first ever season in 1992. The Ladies League was played over at least three gameweeks, with five teams entering. Milford ‘B’, and Twin Towns (Ballybofey-Stranorlar) were joint top on six points each having completed the league phase, with Tristar Castlederg, from Co. Tyrone, in third on four points with a game in hand versus bottom team Milford ‘A’ who lost all three of their games at that stage. Letterkenny completed the line-up with one win from their four games. While there is no mention in the newspapers of a Playoff system to decide the title, there was one in the Men’s League, played parallel to the Ladies League.


[1] Anon. (1992) “Volleyball League” Donegal News May 9, 1992. pg. 23

[2] Anon. (1992) “Volleyball League” Donegal News April 4, 1992. pg. 17.

[3] Anon. (1992) “Volleyball” Donegal Democrat. April 2, 1992. pg. 20.

[4] Anon. (1992) “Volleyball” Donegal Democrat. May 28, 1992. pg, 24.


Thanks to yvonne Brady


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 6 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You may to quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

Northern Ireland Volleyball Association Belfast U21 Street Volleyball Tournament Women 2000

Northern Ireland Volleyball Logo [References: 1]


NIVA Belfast U21 Street Volleyball Women's 2000

1Craigavon Aztecs U215220313.000
2Campbell College Belfast3211321.500
3Enniskillen Blockbusters U211202140.250


Please click on the fixtures Recap to see Set Points for – Points against scores.


As part of the Millennium celebrations in Belfast City, a Street Volleyball tournament was part of a series of events organized by Belfast City Council as part of the weeklong City Centre Sports New Millennium celebrations. After Cycling, Athletics and Basketball events outside Belfast City Hall, the Street Volleyball competition, the first of its kind ever in either Ireland or Britain, featured Men’s and Women’s U21 teams from Campbell College Belfast, Larne Grammar School (Co. Antrim), Craigavon Aztecs (Co. Armagh) and Enniskillen Blockbusters (Co. Fermanagh). This tournament would have been unthinkable given the security situation in the area around Belfast City Hall even just a few months previously and the event was a welcome return to normality and sport.

Craigavon Aztecs won the Women’s Tournament, defeating Campbell College Belfast on points (25-12, 23-25) and then a sweep of Enniskillen Blockbusters (25-12, 25-19). Enniskillen Blockbusters and Campbell College Belfast tied the third fixture 25-15, 15-25, with the Belfast team winning the deciding third set 31-29.

Street Volleyball Stock Photo

serious young asian sportswoman training with ball during outdoor workout
Photo by Thegiansepillo on Pexels.com



[1] Northern Ireland Volleyball (2017) Northern Ireland Volleyball Logo [Internet] Available from:http://nivolleyball.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/NIvolleyballwhsurrond.png [Accessed 9 March 2017]


[2] Rec.Sport.Volleyball – post to Group by Pady Murphy (2000) Volleyball on the streets of Belfast [Internet] Available from: https://groups.google.com/g/rec.sport.volleyball/c/XNBJvFyaVew/m/c8K88qkvlZkJ [Accessed 10 July 2018]


Thanks to Yvonne Brady.


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 6 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.