Netball Ireland | Winter League Division 1 2009-2019

Netball Ireland Logo

Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 2009-10

  P W D L LB Pts
Cosmos 12 11 0 1 0 55
Black Magic 13 10 1 2 2 54
St. Michael’s 1 12 8 0 4 3 43
UCD 1 13 6 1 6 5 37
Trinity 1 12 6 0 6 5 35
ROGA 11 2 0 9 2 12
Leinster NC 2 10 2 0 8 1 11

Reference: [1]

Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 2010-11

  P W D L LB Pts
Desperate Housewives 12 11 0 1 1 56
Black Magic 12 10 0 2 1 51
Trinity 1 11 7 0 4 3 38
UCD 1 12 6 0 6 2 32
Leinster NC 1 11 3 0 8 4 19
UCD 2 10 3 0 7 3 18
St. Michael’s 1 7 1 0 6 2 8

Reference: [2]

Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 2011-12

  P W D L LB Pts
St. Anne’s 1 12 10 0 2 1 51
Leinster NC 1 12 9 0 3 3 48
UCD 1 12 9 0 3 1 46
St. Anne’s 2 13 6 0 7 1 31
Trinity 1 12 3 0 9 4 19
UCD 2 4 0 0 4 1 1
St. Michael’s 1 3 0 0 3 0 0

Reference: [3]

Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 2012-13

  P W D L LB Pts
St. Anne’s 1 Dragons 15 13 1 1 1 68
Leinster NC 1 15 9 1 5 5 52
UCD 1 15 8 1 6 4 46
Cork Rebels 15 6 6 3 2 44
St. Anne’s 2 Homies 11 2 1 8 4 16
Trinity 1 15 1 2 12 3 12

Reference: [4]

Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 2013-14

  P W D L LB Pts
St. Anne’s 1 12 10 0 2 2 52
UCD 1 12 9 1 2 2 49
Cork Rebels 12 8 0 4 4 44
Leinster NC 1 13 4 1 8 3 25
Trinity 1 12 0 0 12 2 2

Reference: [5]

Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 2014-15

  P W D L LB Pts
Leinster 8 8 0 0 0 40
St. Anne’s 1 8 3 1 4 4 21
Cork Rebels 5 4 0 1 0 20
UCD 1 7 3 0 4 3 18
Trinity 8 3 1 4 1 18
UCD 2 8 0 0 8 3 3

Note: Table as at 27 January 2015 – Seven rounds to go

Reference: [6]

Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 2015-16

  P W D L LB Pts
*Leinster 1 15 12 1 2 2 64
*St. Anne’s 1 15 11 1 3 1 58
*Cork Rebels 15 5 6 4 4 41
*Leinster 2 15 4 2 9 8 30
UCD 1 15 3 2 10 5 24
Trinity 1 15 3 2 10 4 23
Leinster NC 2   Leinster NC 1  
St. Anne’s 1   Cork Rebels  
St. Anne’s 1 25 Leinster NC 23

Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 2016-17

  P W D L LB Pts
*Dublin Galaxy 23 21 0 2 2 107
*St. Anne’s 1 Dragons 23 12 0 11 9 69
*Cork 18 12 0 6 6 66
*Leinster NC 1 23 11 0 12 9 64
Trinity 1 23 11 0 12 4 59
Leinster NC 2 23 6 0 17 11 41
St. Anne’s 2 Phoenix 23 5 0 18 9 34

Reference: [7]

Dublin Galaxy 45 Leinster NC 1 22
St. Anne’s 1 Dragons 36 Cork Rebels 38
Dublin Galaxy 51 Cork Rebels 41

Reference: [8]

Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 2017-18

  P W D L GF GA Pts
*Leinster NC 1 16 15 0 1 595 376 76
*Dublin Galaxy Rockets 16 14 0 2 624 340 72
*Cork Rebels 16 10 0 6 576 426 56
*St. Anne’s Dragons 16 10 0 6 412 390 55
Dublin Galaxy Stars 16 11 0 5 367 286 54
Trinity 16 5 0 11 313 462 28
St. Anne’s Phoenix 16 3 0 13 338 517 22
St. Michael’s 16 2 1 13 307 491 22
Leinster NC 2 16 1 1 14 306 550 13

Reference: [9]

Date Team 1   Team 2  
10.03.2018 Leinster NC 1   St. Anne’s Dragons  
10.03.2018 Dublin Galaxy rockets   Cork Rebels  
10.03.2018 Dublin Galaxy Rockets   Leinster NC R  

Reference: [10]

Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 2018-19

  P W L D GF GA Pts
Cork Rebels 14 13 1 0 562 301 66
Leinster Leopards 14 12 2 0 384 240 61
St. Anne’s Dragons 14 10 4 0 484 291 54
St. Anne’s Phoenix 14 8 6 0 323 342 44
Belfield Bluejays 14 5 9 0 344 393 30
Leinster Tigers 14 5 9 0 254 449 29
Leinster Panthers 14 3 11 0 252 587 17
Galaxy Rockets # 14 0 14 0 0 0 0

Reference: [11]

Date Team 1   Team 2  
02.03.19 Cork Rebels W St. Anne’s Phoenix L
02.03.19 Leinster Leopards L St. Anne’s Dragons W
02.03.19 Cork Rebels L St. Anne’s Dragons W

Reference: [12]

Points System: 5 Pts Win / 2 Pts Draw / 0 Pts Loss / 1 Bonus Pt for coming within half the score of the winner.


[1] Wayback Machine Web Archive – Netball Ireland (2010) Netball Ireland – Home [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 27 March 2017]

[2] Wayback Machine Web Archive – Netball Ireland (2011) Netball Ireland – Home [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 27 March 2017]

[3] Wayback Machine Web Archive – Netball Ireland (2012) Netball Ireland – Home [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 27 March 2017]

[4] Wayback Machine Web Archive – Netball Ireland (2013) Netball Ireland – Home [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 27 March 2017]

[5] Wayback Machine Web Archive – Netball Ireland (2014) Netball Ireland – Home [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 27 March 2017]

[6] Wayback Machine Web Archive – Netball Ireland (2015) Netball Ireland [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 27 March 2017]

[7] Netball Ireland (2016) Winter League [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 27 March 2017]

[8] Netball Ireland Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post April 23 2016 [Internet] available from: [Accessed 16 April 2017]

[9] Netball Ireland (2017) Netball Ireland Winter League Division 1 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 16 April 2017]

[10] Netball Ireland (2018) Winter League Division 1 2017-2018 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 26 March 2018]

[10] Netball Ireland (2018) Winter League 2018/2019 Division 1 Draw & Results [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 7 June 2019]

[12] Netball Ireland | Facebook (2019) Post March 3, 2019: “Wow, what an amazing finals day yesterday!!!!” [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 7 June 2019]


[13] Netball Ireland (2017) Netball Ireland Logo [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 30 November 2017]


Thanks to. Ruth Foy & Caoimhe Foy

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 28 July 2019

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2019

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

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