Ladies Fastpitch Teams
Position | Team 1 | Position | Team 2 |
Pitcher | Samantha Robinson | Pitcher | Linda Davies/Janet Mogerly |
Catcher | Ann Kelly | Cather | Linda Scannell |
1st Base | Brid Horan | 1st Base | Gayle Trower |
2nd Base | Paula Davies | 2nd Base | Oonagh Hartley |
3rd Base | Emer (Bat Pak) | 3rd Base | Caitriona (Hookers) |
Short Stop | Carol O’Toole | Short Stop | Keely Wynne |
Out Field | Emer (Flyer) | Out Field | Eithne Robinson |
Out Field | Bronagh Rumgay | Out Field | Ann Carty |
Out Field | Helen Reddy | Out Field | Olwen Barrett |
Extras | Aevanne Joyce | Extras | Ann Murphy |
Niamh O’Gorman | Debbie Penney | ||
Mya Smith | Deirdre Walsh | ||
Elaine Finnerty | Sinead Murphy | ||
Triona O’Neill | Susan Nolan |
Two Ladies Fastpitch Teams were set up in 2000 by the Leinster Softball Association branch of the Irish Baseball & Softball Federation. With an aim of entering the Olympics (Women’s Fastpitch was an Olympic Sport) it was a step up from the Female Slowpich League which had been running since 1997. The Women’s International Fastpitch Team entered the Canada Cup in 2002 (see Fastpitch Softball Page).
About Fastpitch Softball
Fastpitch Softball is Women’s Baseball – there are 9 players on a Fastpitch Team (Like Baseball and unlike Co-Ed Slowpitch Softball which has 10 players per team with an extra player in the outfield,
[1] GeoCities – Dublin Bay Packers (1999) Irish Baseball and Softball Federation Logo[Internet] Available from: http://www.geocities.ws/dbpackers/images/ibsf_logo_99.jpg [Accessed 17 August 2017]
Internet Archive
[2] IBSF Wayback Machine (1999) LSA Ladies League: Fastpitch [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/19991128071314/http://ibsf.ie:80/All_female.htm#Schedule[Accessed 28 September 2018]
Thanks to Marie Fogarty, M&Ms
About this document
Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the
Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive
Last Updated: 28 February 2021
(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021
You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.