Baseball Ireland Team 1997-Present
Home Grounds: Hydebank Park Playing Fields, Belfast
Colours: Burgundy & Gold.
All-Time Record: Total 271-365 (Wins-Losses) Regular Season: 260-350; Post-Season: 10-12. Ulster Baseball Championships: 1-3 (Complete Record Unknown)
Honours: Baseball Ireland B-League Champions in 2016. B-League Division Champions and Pennant winners in 2016 and 2019. Irish Baseball League Trophy Champions 2005.
History: One of the original Irish Baseball league teams in 1997, the Belfast North Stars travelled down to Dublin to play in the early years, before a permanent Home Ground was built in Hydebank Park in Belfast. They reached the Irish Baseball League Plyoffs in 2003 and Trophy Playoffs in 2005, winning the second level Chmpionship. They qualified for the Baseball Ireland A-League Playoffs in 2011, 2013 and 2014. They dropped down to the B-League in 2015. Their greatest achievement is winning the All-Ireland Championship in 2016, defeating the Dublin City Hurricanes B. They won the B-1 League Pennant and Championship in 2019, but lost the B-League Final.
Home Ground: Hydebank Park Playing Fields, Belfast
Year-by-Year Record
Year | League | RS W-L | Pts / Pos | PS W-L | Champ | Other W-L | Champ |
1997 | IBL | ??-?? | ?? / ?? | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
1998 | IBL | ??-?? | ?? / ?? | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
1999 | IBL | 1-11 | 14 / 5th | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
2000 | IBL | ??-?? | ?? / ?? | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
2001 | IBL | ??-?? | ?? / ?? | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
2002 | IBL | 3-9 | 19 / 5th | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
2003 | IBL | 4-10 | 26 / 6th | 0-1 | None | 0-0 | None |
2004 | IBL | 11-7 | 51 / 5th | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
2005 | IBL Trophy | 9-7 | 39 / 2nd | 1-0 | Trophy | 0-0 | None |
2006 | BI A-Lge | 1-12 | 14 / 6th | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
2007 | BI A-Lge | 5-11 | 22 / 5th | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
2008 | BI A-Lge | 1-14 | 8 / 6th | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
2009 | BI A-Lge | 0-16 | 10 / 5th | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
2010 | BI A-Lge | 8-7 | 39 / 4th | ?-?- | None | 0-0 | None |
2011 | BI A-Lge | 4-11 | 27 / 4th | 1-1 | None | 0-0 | None |
2012 | BI A-Lge | 3-12 | 22 / 6th | 0-0 | None | 0-0 | None |
2013 | BI A-Lge | 9-6 | 42 / 2nd | 0-1 | None | 0-0 | None |
2014 | BI A-Lge | 6-9 | 33 / 4th | 0-1 | None | 0-0 | None |
2015 | BI B-Lge | 8-12 | 44 / 4th | 0-0 | None | 1-3 | None |
2016 | BI B-Lge | 20-2 | 82 / 1st | 4-1 | B-Lge Ch [A] | 0-0 | None |
2017 | BI B-Lge | 12-6 | 54 / 2nd | 1-2 | None | 0-0 | None |
2018 | BI B-LGe | 10-8 | 44 / 4th | 0-2 | None | 0-0 | None |
2019 | BI B-Lge | 15-5 | 41 / 1st | 3-3 | B-North Ch,P | 0-0 | None |
Legend: RS = Regular Season, PS = Postseason, Other = Other Competitions (International, Cups). IBL = Irish Baseball League, BI = Baseball Ireland, A-Lge = A-League (9 Innings), B-Lge = B-League (7 Innings), Ch = Championship (Playoff Title), P = Pennant (League / Division Regular Season title).
Note: [A]: Belfast North Stars also won the B-League North Championship and Pennant in 2016.
Note 2: 2015 Other Tournament was Ulster Baseball Championships. [North Stars finished 6th of 8]
Team Photo (B-League All-Ireland Champions 2016)

[1] Belfast North Stars Twitter Profile (2020) Profile Picture [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000271538121/e6476e623da23b987667e514c64569a3_400x400.jpeg [Accessed 25 August 2020]
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[5] Anon. (2003) “Spartans crowned in Corkagh”. Tallaght Echo. Thursday, October 2, 2003.
[6] Anon. (2003) “Corkagh to host a cracker”. Tallaght Echo. Thursday, September 25, 2003.
Internet Archive
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[9] Baseball Ireland – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2003) Adult League [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20031001124151/http://www.baseballireland.com/adult_league.htm [Accessed 24 March 2017]
[10] Baseball Ireland – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2004) Adult League [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20041206085245/http://www.baseballireland.com/adult_league.htm [Accessed 24 March 2017]
[11] Baseball Ireland – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2005) Adult League [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20050828155124/http://www.baseballireland.com/adult_league.htm [Accessed 24 March 2017]
[13] Anon. (2008) “Spartans make it three in a row in Irish Championship”. Tallaght Echo. Thursday, October 15, 2008.
[14] Anon. (2014) “Bittersweet for Hurricanes in Final”. Tallaght Echo. Thursday, October 9, 2014.
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[16] Baseball Ireland (2017) Fixture & Results – League Tables [Internet] http://www.baseballireland.com/tables.php?search_year=2016 [Accessed 21 September 2016]
[17] Baseball Ireland (2017) Fixture & Results – League Tables [Internet] http://www.baseballireland.com/tables.php?search_year=2017 [Accessed 4 September 2017]
[18] Baseball Ireland (2017) Playoff Results [Internet] Available from: http://www.baseballireland.com/schedule_new.php?league=Playoffs&search_year=2017 [Accessed 25 September 2017]
[19] Tallaght Echo (2016) “Hurricanes successfully defend National crown” [Internet] Available from: http://www.echo.ie/sport/article/hurricanes-successfully-defend-national-crown [Accessed 27 October 2016]
[20] Baseball Ireland (2018) Fixture & Results – League Tables [Internet] http://www.baseballireland.com/tables.php?search_year=2018 [Accessed 17 September 2018]
[21] Baseball Ireland (2018) Fixture & Results – Playoff Fixtures [Internet] http://www.baseballireland.com/schedule_new.php?league=Playoffs&search_year=2018 [Accessed 1 October 2018]
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[22] Baseball Ireland – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2006) Adult League [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20061026024439/http://www.baseballireland.com/adult_league.htm [Accessed 24 March 2017]
[23] Baseball Ireland – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2007) Adult League [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20071006034356/http://www.baseballireland.com/adult_league.htm [Accessed 24 March 2017]
[24] Baseball Ireland – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2008) Adult League [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20081017051201/http://www.baseballireland.com/adult_league.htm [Accessed 24 March 2017]
[25] Baseball Ireland – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2009) Adult League [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20090926041555/http://www.baseballireland.com/adult_league.htm [Accessed 24 March 2017]
[26] – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2010) Ladder [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/save/_embed/http://websites.sportstg.com/nfnn/rpt_ladder.cgi?results=N&round=18&client=1-7884-0-108844-0&pool=1 [Accessed 24 March 2017]
[27] Baseball Ireland – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2011) Adult League [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20110716140650/http://www.baseballireland.com/spulse.html [Accessed 24 March 2017]
[28] Baseball Ireland – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2013) 2013 League Tables [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20131015095707/http://www.baseballireland.com/tables.php?search_year=2013 [Accessed 19 June 2018]
[29] Baseball Ireland – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2014) 2014 League Tables [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20141219024651/http://www.baseballireland.com/tables.php?search_year=2014 [Accessed 19 June 2018]
[30] Baseball Ireland (2015) Schedule [Internet] Available from: http://www.baseballireland.com/schedule_new.php?search_year=2015&search_team= [Accessed 21 September 2016]
[31] Baseball Ireland (2017) Fixture & Results – League Tables [Internet] http://www.baseballireland.com/tables.php?search_year=2016 [Accessed 21 September 2016]
[32] Baseball Ireland (2017) Fixture & Results – League Tables [Internet] http://www.baseballireland.com/tables.php?search_year=2017 [Accessed 4 September 2017]
[33] Baseball Ireland (2017) Playoff Results [Internet] Available from: http://www.baseballireland.com/schedule_new.php?league=Playoffs&search_year=2017 [Accessed 25 September 2017]
[34] Belfast Times (2016) BASA Update – Northstars draw first blood [Internet] Available from: http://www.belfasttimes.co.uk/basa-update-northstars-draw-first-blood/ [Accessed 27 October 2016]
[35] Tallaght Echo (2016) “Hurricanes successfully defend National crown” [Internet] Available from: http://www.echo.ie/sport/article/hurricanes-successfully-defend-national-crown [Accessed 27 October 2016]
[36] Belfast North Stars Facebook Page (2016) Facebook Post [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/NorthstarsBB/posts/930378163734109 [Accessed 27 October 2016]
[37] Belfast North Stars Facebook Page (2016) Facebook Post [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/NorthstarsBB/posts/919785874793338 [Accessed 27 October 2016]
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Social Media
[52] Baseball Ireland Facebook (2015) Post to Page by Peadar O,Caomhanaigh, June 22, 2015:”Congratulations to Jose Angel Santos and Jon Carter and all the Belfast Northstars Baseball, Belfast Buccaneers Baseball Club and Belfast Hornets Baseball Club on a wonderful weekend at the Ulster Open Baseball Championship 2015.” [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/groups/51106610873/permalink/10153352797790874/ [Accessed 4 April 2020]
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Thanks to Brian Connolly (Panthers) and Peter Kavanagh (Baseball Ireland).
About this document
Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the
Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive
Last Updated: 25 August 2020
(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020
You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Resereved.